Basic Information:
Friday Sept 27, 2024 @ 11:00 - 12:00
Organizer - UCSF CAT Bioinformatics, Dr. Matt Settles Managing Director, Bioinformatics
Contact - [email protected]
Location - Genentech North 114
Cost - FREE
Registration: So you want to do a: PacBio RNASEQ experiment
Following the Seminar representative from PacBio will be available for "PacBio Coffee Hour"
Seminar Description:
This FREE workshop is intended for those who are interested in and/or are in the planning stages of conducting a long-read RNA-Seq (bulk or single cell) experiment. Topics to be discussed will include:
- Experimental Design of RNA-Seq experiment
- Sample preparation, best practices
- Long-read sequencing vs. short-read sequencing
- Discussion of PacBio Kinnex and the advantages of
- Cost estimation
- Raw data processing to count tables (the basic of)
- Differential Gene Expression Analysis
- Downstream analysis/visualizations and tables
- What do you gain? long-reads vs short-reads