UCSF CAT Bioinformatics Workshops

Genomics/Bioinformatics Seminar being offered in September 2024

Sept 27, 2024 - So you want to do a: PacBio RNAseq Experiment



Sept 27, 2024 11:00am - So you want to do a: PacBio RNAseq Experiment

In-person workshops

Our meticulously designed in-person bioinformatic workshops offer participants immersive, hands-on experiences that equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to design and execute successful bioinformatics and genomics experiments. Led by a seasoned Bioinformatics Core expert, these workshops delve into both the theoretical underpinnings and practical applications of a diverse array of genomic experiments, including but not limited to genome assembly, RNA-Seq analysis, epigenetic studies, single-cell RNA-Seq techniques, long-read technologies and more.

For additional information on our workshops and training programs, we encourage you to explore our offerings below. 

Aug 21 - Aug 23, 2024 - Bioinformatics Workshop: Basics of Bulk RNA-Seq Analysis
Aug 28 - Aug 30, 2024 - Bioinformatics Workshop: Basics of Single Cell RNA-Seq Analysis
Canceled - Bioinformatics Workshop: PacBio Full-Length RNA Kinnex



Referencing the CAT Core and Publications

When submitting manuscripts, please acknowledge the CAT by including the text: “Sequencing was performed at the UCSF CAT, supported by UCSF PBBR, RRP IMIA, and NIH 1S10OD028511-01 grants.” 


To aid our facility in future grant submissions, it helps to reference labs and publications that have benefited from our core please notify us of your achievement by emailing catcore [at] ucsf.edu the PMID number, lab, and the piece of equipment used in the paper.